Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Taco Soup

Um. Yum.  

That is all.  

I'm a huge soup lover...and I wouldn't necessarily trust someone who doesn't like tacos...soooooooo....just sayin'.


Here's my recipe for the easiest taco, ever.

You're welcome.

Taco Soup
Serves: 6 (2 C. Servings)

2- 14 oz. Cans of Diced Tomatoes (low sodium is best)
1- 8 oz. Can of Tomato Sauce 
1- 15 oz. Can of Red Kidney Beans, drained and rinsed.
1 C. of Frozen Corn
3-4 C. of Chicken Broth, Stock, whatever! (Low sodium is better, homemade is best!)
1- Medium Onion, diced 
1- Lb. of Ground Turkey (or chicken, or beef...but, get the leanest you can)
1- pkg. of Taco Seasoning (you guessed it, low sodium!) another option would be 2-3 T. of Cumin, and 2-3 T. of Chili Powder and a dash of salt. 

Cook the ground turkey and onion in a large skillet.
In a large pot, add diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, corn, kidney beans, and chicken broth to the pot.  Add the ground turkey and onion when they're done.  Simmer until hot, and serve up with some toppings.  

I added 1/4 diced avocado, 1/8 C. of shredded cheddar, and 1/4 C. of non fat Greek yogurt.  YUM.  
counts as:
1 red
1 yellow
2 green
1 blue 

Feel free to add other toppings that comply with your particular eating plan :)