Friday, January 8, 2016

Recipe under construction...

So, my husband was working from home, today...and we like, literally had nothing "good" to eat in the house...usually, we'll have some leftovers from the night before...but....not today *womp womp*

So, I remembered a while back that I got these new flavors of Boca Burgers...okay...I got this:
*Yes, I had a glass of red with lunch! *

I took:
1 orange pepper
1 small onion
1 garlic clove
1 tomato
1/3 cup of frozen corn
1 tsp. Olive oil
Some cilantro
Fresh ground pepper

Chopped it all up, and tossed it in a pan:

Um, yum! 

So, then I took an individual serving size of green yogurt and added Chipotle tobasco sauce to my heat preference.

Then, I took a corn tortilla, brushed each side with about a tsp. of olive oil and pan fried it until crisp.

Cooked up the Chile Relleno flavor of Boca Burger, shredded up some extra sharp cheddar and assembled!

I have to say, it was really good!

I'm still working out the proportions, but, so far there is probably very little that I have to tweek.

I served it up with some Veggie fries (omg, so yum!)

If you have any suggestions on how I can improve this bad boy, sound off below :)

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