Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Super Mom Secrets...

I've been called many things: Super Mom, Super Woman, Inspirational, Idiot...but that was a LONG time ago...and it's a LONG story...I don't wanna get into it..., when I post things about my journey on the healthy road, and many of my friends have seen me through all my stages of life and health, people will often tell me that I'm Super Mom and I'm inspirational...and although it's very flattering, I can't claim all the credit.  They 99% of the time follow up with this gem of a line "I don't know how you do it" or some variation of that.  I'll be 100% honest, shoot you straight: I don't, either.  What I can tell you is this: organization is the key to all this!  You have to plot out your meals like you plot out your day.  And that's not to say it has to be followed to a "T", but, if you have a general idea of what foods you have on hand, it's easier to stay on course and not stray.  If you're not the planning type...well, then, just give it a try...even just a little bit of planning helps out, tremendously! 

Start off the week by making a shopping list.  But, not just things you want, or see in the circular, things you may have coupons for...whatever.  Sit down and take the 30 minutes it takes to {loosely} plot out what you want to make for dinner the nights of the week.  That's where I start. (And many times I will choose recipes with similar ingredients, so I don't buy a ton of things and only use half bc recipes only call for a little bit)

Then, go through each recipe's ingredients.  Write down whatever you don't have on hand, and on some of the things that aren't basics, write down the amounts you need.  I can't tell you how many times I got to the store and couldn't remember how much of something I needed and didn't get enough...ugh! 

From here, I like to separate my list into different departments.  If I'm walking through the store, and I have all of my produce ingredients randomly within the list, I'm gonna either miss one, or have to make multiple trips back and forth between dairy and produce...not really efficient when you are on borrowed, color code, or separate or highlight...whatever works for you so you can visually see what departments from which you need your foods.

Then, add things to your list that you may need for the kids, or the house, or even for breakfast (this is where I would list all my Shakeology add-ins)...these things should go on the list last bc now that you've already plotted out dinner, you can fill in the spaces...don't necessarily add lunch foods bc...

Lastly, when I cook at night...I make sure to package up the other, if something makes 6 portions, I will take out 2 bowls, for me and hubbs, and 4 containers.  That way, you have lunch for the next day that's already portioned out.  More bang for your buck, and now you don't have to add lunch foods or take time to make a whole lunch bc it's already made for you! Pop it in the microwave! 

I'm honored that people say I'm inspirational bc, at the end of the day, that's why I got into fitness coaching in the first place.  I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it, and more importantly, if I could do it, anyone can.  And I can help! I want people to feel as amazing as I do...everyone deserves to feel wonderful! A year ago, I didn't...and to see, and feel, the difference that a year makes...well, it's just fabulous! 

Sorry there were no cool pics on this post, but, I just wanted to share with you the secret of Super Mom! 

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