Sunday, January 3, 2016

Are There Better Choices @ The Chinese Buffet?!

So, it was my grandmother's birthday...
Where to, Bubbie?
Chinese Buffet....eek!
Although, I'm not a bit surprised, my family loves that place, I kind of had to cringe a bit.  How do I go, not eat, and not get charged? It's not exactly a spectator kind of restaurant, ya know?

Okay, I'm up for a to buffet better!

Well...I have to admit, upon entering, I got lost in a sea of familiarity...haven't been to one in years, but, when you spend many a Saturday night in this place, it doesn't take long to be right back there...I'm half Jewish, what did you expect?!

Anywho...I got lucky, this time around, this place had a fresh hibachi station.  I eagerly went over to inspect...

Looked pretty standard...fresh veggies, raw proteins...a few starches...okay, awesome! I can FIXIFY this bad boy!

I threw on my plate:
Red onions
Green peppers
(Enough for 2 Greens)
Chicken breast
2 eggs 
(Enough for 2 reds)
White rice (unfortunately, they didn't have brown)
(Enough for 1 yellow) 

Here's the result:

It was really good! Probably not the best with the garlic sauce on it, but, I was able to control the amount of each container, and it wasn't deep!

I also had a little soup, because I love soup:

And lastly, I treated myself, but also, Fixified it...
This place had some great pineapple, which I hear helps you digest, anyway :). (Enough for a purple container) and of course, a little vanilla ice cream down there in the bottom ;) 


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