Thursday, December 31, 2015

So, I made myself a Green Smoothie

Here's what I put in it:

1/3 a cucumber with skin on
1 handful (about a cup) of baby spinach
1/3 Granny Smith apple with skin on
1/2 C. Frozen pineapple
1 C. Ice
1 C. Water
1 tsp. Raw honey (not pictured)

Ninja it up, and enjoy.

I would add a banana, next time for a little added sweetness and texture :)

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Fixate Review: Beef & Sweet Potato Stew

So, here's another that I don't know if I'm at liberty to share the recipe...if you want it, go check out my girl, Autumn's cookbook: Fixate.


I have to say that I'm a HUGE soup and stew person...always have been.  Especially when the weather starts to get colder...warms me to the core!  This stew, in particular is great bc it really cuts so much of the hidden carbs and fat that we usually find in stews.  It's pretty normal to start to pack on pounds in the winter, we like to try to keep warm, and let's face it...nobody is seeing us scantily clad for a few more months, at the very least, so we have some time....right? (Kinda the same reason we ladies aren't as diligent with our legs, amiright?!). 

When you use lean meat, it is so much better for you.  Sweet potatoes have so much to offer as a vegetable, as well.  Phytonutrients are something we often overlook...but they are still so important!! 

Dietitian's Take: Sweet Potato vs. Potato

  • Calorically, sweet potato and potato are pretty similar. Nutritionally, sweet potato has 50% more fiber, a dramatically higher level of Vitamin A, and more Vitamins C and B6, but less potassium than potato.
  • Numbers are only part of the story. Not shown here are the various phytonutrients contained in both sweet potato and potato, which have shown strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. A 2007 USDA paper reported an ORAC value for sweet potato 26% higher than that of a Russet potato. The orange hues in sweet potato are due to the super antioxidant beta-carotene, and a unique storage protein called sporamin has been shown to have its own antioxidant properties. There is also a purple-colored variety of sweet potato containing high levels of anthocyanins. Some potato varieties have been shown to contain phenolic compounds that rival those in broccoli or Brussels sprouts, and some varieties have high levels of Vitamin C and quercetin.

(Taken from:

Basically, it's good to have both in your diet, but, don't discount the additional health benefits to phytonutrients!!

Bottom line:

This dish is really Delish! It has a little kick bc the fresh ground pepper takes it up a, if you're not a fan, add a little less!

Mexican Pizza

For the original recipe, please follow the link, below.  Here's how I changed mine, a bit :)

Mexican Pizza

Serves 6
  1. 1 lb Lean Group Chicken Meat (I find it has a bit more flavor and isn't as dry)
  2. 3/4 cup Sweet Pepper (chopped)
  3. 1/2 cup Onion (chopped)
  4. 6 Garlic Cloves (minced)
  5. 1/2 cup Tomato Sauce (here, I took diced tomatoes in a can and threw them in my Ninja, blended them up and added 3/4 C of that)
  6. 1/2 cup Frozen Corn
  7. 2 Tbsp Low Sodium Taco Seasoning
  8. 8 Corn Tortillas
  9. 1 or 2 Fresh Diced Tomatoes or Salsa
  10. Optional: Cheese (1 Blue container per pizza), and chopped cilantro for a garnish.

  1. In a large skillet, melt coconut oil,  brown ground chicken, sweet pepper, onion, and garlic over medium heat until cooked thoroughly. Drain fat.
  2. Stir in tomato sauce, corn, and taco seasoning. Cook until heated through, stirring occasionally.
  3. Toast 2 corn tortilla over medium heat and add meat and a layer of cheese, inside. Top with second tortilla, sprinkle second half of cheese, diced tomatoes (plus any other toppings of your choice--just remember to log them accordingly) and then garnish with chopped cilantro.
  4. ENJOY!

For assembly pics, please see video:
21 Day Fix Container Equivalents (for 1 serving)
  1. 1 Red = Chicken Meat
  2. 1 Purple = Salsa
  3. 1 Blue = Cheese
  4. 1 Yellow = 2 Corn Tortillas
  5. 1 Green = Onion, Peppers, Tomato Sauce

I made a cool Flipgram video on how to assemble this bad boy....but, being completely computer and iPhone app illiterate (despite having computer classes from middle school on), I can't figure out how to get it directly on this, while I figure out how to post the video straight to the blog, check out this recipe compliments of Fit Simple:

Friday, December 18, 2015

Fixate Turkey Chili: A Review

Okay, so, I'm pretty sure I can't, legally, give you the recipe to the 21 Day Fix Turkey Chili recipe from the Fixate book...I don't really know the "rules" on that, but in order to respect my girl, Autumn...I'm not gonna...


I will tell you some of the stuff that's in it...

Ground turkey, obvs....although, I prefer ground chicken, I tend to think it has a bit more flavor and a little less dry.  But, you also can't get the ground chicken breast...that's dry AF, too...

Peppers, because the 21 day fix looooves peppers!

Kidney beans, again, well loved by the fix...


Cilantro, this is another that I find in many recipes

Diced tomatoes

Chili powder


Oh! I almost two favorite ingredients in this recipe...I happen to think these two ingredients really make the recipe as delicious as it is...


Okay, okay, I won't hold out on you, any longer... Red wine and goat cheese...

Previous to this program, I'd have eaten goat cheese and drank wine as a, you can imagine my affinity for them, both...and I get to have both in this dish! 

Talk about delicious! I have to say, I've tried many turkey chilies in the past and this one happens to be my favorite!  There's a lot of "stuff" going on, but it all works so well together...peppers, kidney beans, along with that wine....oh, and that goat cheese...did I mention those are my favorite parts??  Of course, if you don't like goat cheese, because really, it's not for can try feta, or even mozzarella or cheddar...I'm sure I will try all different combos.  Also, feel free to add a jalapeño or other types of peppers depending on your flavor preferences!! Have fun with it...but, don't forget to stay in the fix's guidelines :)))

I would say that if you're thinking about buying the Fixate cookbook, do it! Autumn really knows what she's doing ;)

Pizza? Buffalo Chicken? I'm in...

I don't know about you, but, when it comes to eating well, the trick is to not feel like I'm eating "diety" food...instant turn off.


So, this one is pretty simple for anyone who has even just a bit o' knowledge in the kitchen.  

Buffalo Chicken Pizza! 

So easy:

Whole Wheat Pizza Dough
Chicken Breast, cubed and cooked (I grilled mine with a tsp. of EVOO)
Frank's Red Hot (I used the Buffalo variety)
1 Red Onion, cut chunky  (I like a little crunch, but, feel free to cut them to your liking)
Spinach (I got mine in a bag, already trimmed and washed)
Tomato sauce
Fresh Mozzarella (I used one large ball)

Preheat oven to 400*

Set the pizza dough out on a floured surface to reach room temp.  It should start to rise, a bit.

In the meantime, toss the chicken in some red much as your palate can handle...there aren't too many calories in this bad boy!

Roll out the dough, and place on a cookie sheet, pizza pan, or whatever you normally use to bake pizza....a pizza stone, perhaps? Bake dough until it's slightly brown on the edges, maybe about 10 minutes.  You can keep it on longer, just check from time to time, you don't want to eat a brick, after all!

Once baked, top with thin layer of tomato sauce, then spinach, onions, chicken and finally the fresh mozzarella.  Bake until cheese is melted and onions are cooked.

Let sit so the cheese can settle, and cut into 6 pieces.  Each serving is 2 pieces! Score!

This makes 3 servings and counts for:
1 Red, 1 Yellow, 1 Green, 1 Blue and 1/3 tsp.

As you can see, it doesn't look "diety" at all...perfect for me, a hungry husband and some pretty picky kids.  (Obviously, for the kids you can leave the hot sauce off, unless they're like my kids who can eat hotter stuff than I can!). The melted cheese masks some hidden veggies! Brilliant! Also, feel free to add an additional green with some chopped celery...maybe put it on before you bake, or after for a nice crunch!   It's really customizable, and it's a nice change to some things that can get a little monotonous.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

How 'bout some Healthy Chili Mac?!

Today's recipe is compliments of:
Sublime Reflection
For the original recipe you can click on the link, but, I made some mods:
So, that's:
1 # Ground Chicken
2 (15 oz.) Can Kidney Beans
1 Red Bell Pepper
4 Stalks Celery
1 Large Onion
2 (8 oz.) Cans Tomato Sauce
8 oz. Whole Wheat Pasta
3 Cloves Garlic
1 Tbsp. Chili Powder
1 tsp. Cumin
1 tsp. Chipotle Powder
1 tsp. Coconut Oil

First you have to cook up the chicken meat in a skillet with the onion.  Use the coconut oil, here.

Then, toss everything, except the pasta, into the crock pot and cook on low for 6-8 hours (for those of you with the crock pots that have interchangeable pots, I used my medium, or 4 qt. pot)

Par cook (half cook) the pasta, and toss into the pot about half an hour before you serve.

Makes 6 Servings!!
As is: 1 Red, 1 Green, 1 Yellow

Add a Blue of shredded Cheese for a little somethin' extra...

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Wednesday: Leftover Lunch!

Remember that colorful crockpot filled with 21 Day Fix goodness? Just in case you forgot:
Yeah, that one.  
Came out amazing! Not too spicy...I figured with a whole jalapeño (I leave some pith and seeds in) and chopped chilies, it might have a little kick...and it did...just not a whole lot.  Perfect for me, hubbs added more hot sauce (of course!) which, as you know is a freebie on the fix plan ;)

So, anyway.

For lunch, today, I put that bad boy over a salad :)

I only used half a serving over one romaine heart and added shredded cheddar (extra sharp...just how I like it!)
Even my "baby" brother enjoyed a serving! (His, obviously with a whole serving of the chicken :) )
He's cute, isn't he?!


My meal ended up looking like this, when broken down:
Best part? No dressing needed! Cuts the calories and fat!  Speaking of...the whole meal had only 278 calories (per my fitness pal app on my phone) and filled me up like no other!  No worries if you need a little more!  Use one full serving and it's only 431 calories (again, per my fitness pal).  Still not bad for an entire meal! 
Oh, my shakeology this morning was delicious, too!! 

How did you use the leftovers??

Slow Cooker Southwestern Chicken

If your house is anything like mine...the slow cooker is your BFFL...for LIFE!  

Tonight's menu includes this little lovely:

She's a pretty little thing, isn't she?? 

So here you go:

3 whole chicken breasts
1 medium onion, diced
2 bell peppers, chopped
1 jalapeño, pith and seeds removed, if you'd like
2 14.5 oz. cans of diced green chilies 
1 1/2 cup of frozen corn
1 15 oz. can of black beans, drained and rinsed
2 limes, juiced
3 tsp. of coconut oil
1 cup of chopped cilantro 
And the seasoning:
2 T. Chili powder
1 T. Cumin
2 tsp. Garlic powder 
2 tsp. Onion powder
1 tsp. Oregano
1 tsp. Salt (you can get fancy with this)
1/2 tsp. Fresh ground black pepper

Toss it all in, and cook for 6 hours!  Shred and cook for an additional 30 mins.
Makes 6 servings
As is it is: 1 Red, 1Green, 1 Yellow, 1/2 tsp.

You can serve this the next day over a salad to add a Green, or 2...add cheese on top and add a Blue
Serve over quinoa or brown rice for an additional Yellow or really get creative! Maybe a sandwich with some fresh slaw on top?! Ooh! Imagine the possibilities! 

This recipe was seen on Pinterest and is compliments of:

Comment with any add-ins or changes you have made, and pics of your masterpieces! 

Monday, December 14, 2015

And you are...

I'm Dana.


I'm a team Beachbody coach

but, I'm also a mom, wife, SAHM, WAHM, business owner and food LOVER!

love food.  All food.  Good food, craptastic food, gourmet food, fast food....all of it.  As you can see, from my pleasantly plump photo on the left:

That being said, at almost 33 years old, eating has become somewhat of a challenge.  Between hypothyroidism hitting me hard and my 30s striking with deadly force, not only have I been introduced to the 3 day hangover, my metabolism has decided to throw a temper tantrum to rival any of my kids' tantrums. 

So, eating has been a little less have I...I mean 4 kids will do that to ya...I digress.  I'm determined to make eating well interesting, fun and hopefully deceivingly delicious.  Becoming a Beachbody coach was how I decided to do it.  Making a financial investment is one hell of a way to keep you on your track and the steam going in the also helps that I'm beyond stubborn and now more determined than ever to get my pre baby body back.  I've run out of excuses, and more importantly, I've stopped using my kids as excuses.  They have become my "WHY" instead of my "BECAUSE".  

So, that's a, let's cook!