Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Fixate Review: Beef & Sweet Potato Stew

So, here's another that I don't know if I'm at liberty to share the recipe...if you want it, go check out my girl, Autumn's cookbook: Fixate.


I have to say that I'm a HUGE soup and stew person...always have been.  Especially when the weather starts to get colder...warms me to the core!  This stew, in particular is great bc it really cuts so much of the hidden carbs and fat that we usually find in stews.  It's pretty normal to start to pack on pounds in the winter, we like to try to keep warm, and let's face it...nobody is seeing us scantily clad for a few more months, at the very least, so we have some time....right? (Kinda the same reason we ladies aren't as diligent with our legs, amiright?!). 

When you use lean meat, it is so much better for you.  Sweet potatoes have so much to offer as a vegetable, as well.  Phytonutrients are something we often overlook...but they are still so important!! 

Dietitian's Take: Sweet Potato vs. Potato

  • Calorically, sweet potato and potato are pretty similar. Nutritionally, sweet potato has 50% more fiber, a dramatically higher level of Vitamin A, and more Vitamins C and B6, but less potassium than potato.
  • Numbers are only part of the story. Not shown here are the various phytonutrients contained in both sweet potato and potato, which have shown strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. A 2007 USDA paper reported an ORAC value for sweet potato 26% higher than that of a Russet potato. The orange hues in sweet potato are due to the super antioxidant beta-carotene, and a unique storage protein called sporamin has been shown to have its own antioxidant properties. There is also a purple-colored variety of sweet potato containing high levels of anthocyanins. Some potato varieties have been shown to contain phenolic compounds that rival those in broccoli or Brussels sprouts, and some varieties have high levels of Vitamin C and quercetin.

(Taken from:

Basically, it's good to have both in your diet, but, don't discount the additional health benefits to phytonutrients!!

Bottom line:

This dish is really Delish! It has a little kick bc the fresh ground pepper takes it up a, if you're not a fan, add a little less!

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