Friday, December 18, 2015

Fixate Turkey Chili: A Review

Okay, so, I'm pretty sure I can't, legally, give you the recipe to the 21 Day Fix Turkey Chili recipe from the Fixate book...I don't really know the "rules" on that, but in order to respect my girl, Autumn...I'm not gonna...


I will tell you some of the stuff that's in it...

Ground turkey, obvs....although, I prefer ground chicken, I tend to think it has a bit more flavor and a little less dry.  But, you also can't get the ground chicken breast...that's dry AF, too...

Peppers, because the 21 day fix looooves peppers!

Kidney beans, again, well loved by the fix...


Cilantro, this is another that I find in many recipes

Diced tomatoes

Chili powder


Oh! I almost two favorite ingredients in this recipe...I happen to think these two ingredients really make the recipe as delicious as it is...


Okay, okay, I won't hold out on you, any longer... Red wine and goat cheese...

Previous to this program, I'd have eaten goat cheese and drank wine as a, you can imagine my affinity for them, both...and I get to have both in this dish! 

Talk about delicious! I have to say, I've tried many turkey chilies in the past and this one happens to be my favorite!  There's a lot of "stuff" going on, but it all works so well together...peppers, kidney beans, along with that wine....oh, and that goat cheese...did I mention those are my favorite parts??  Of course, if you don't like goat cheese, because really, it's not for can try feta, or even mozzarella or cheddar...I'm sure I will try all different combos.  Also, feel free to add a jalapeƱo or other types of peppers depending on your flavor preferences!! Have fun with it...but, don't forget to stay in the fix's guidelines :)))

I would say that if you're thinking about buying the Fixate cookbook, do it! Autumn really knows what she's doing ;)

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