Friday, December 18, 2015

Pizza? Buffalo Chicken? I'm in...

I don't know about you, but, when it comes to eating well, the trick is to not feel like I'm eating "diety" food...instant turn off.


So, this one is pretty simple for anyone who has even just a bit o' knowledge in the kitchen.  

Buffalo Chicken Pizza! 

So easy:

Whole Wheat Pizza Dough
Chicken Breast, cubed and cooked (I grilled mine with a tsp. of EVOO)
Frank's Red Hot (I used the Buffalo variety)
1 Red Onion, cut chunky  (I like a little crunch, but, feel free to cut them to your liking)
Spinach (I got mine in a bag, already trimmed and washed)
Tomato sauce
Fresh Mozzarella (I used one large ball)

Preheat oven to 400*

Set the pizza dough out on a floured surface to reach room temp.  It should start to rise, a bit.

In the meantime, toss the chicken in some red much as your palate can handle...there aren't too many calories in this bad boy!

Roll out the dough, and place on a cookie sheet, pizza pan, or whatever you normally use to bake pizza....a pizza stone, perhaps? Bake dough until it's slightly brown on the edges, maybe about 10 minutes.  You can keep it on longer, just check from time to time, you don't want to eat a brick, after all!

Once baked, top with thin layer of tomato sauce, then spinach, onions, chicken and finally the fresh mozzarella.  Bake until cheese is melted and onions are cooked.

Let sit so the cheese can settle, and cut into 6 pieces.  Each serving is 2 pieces! Score!

This makes 3 servings and counts for:
1 Red, 1 Yellow, 1 Green, 1 Blue and 1/3 tsp.

As you can see, it doesn't look "diety" at all...perfect for me, a hungry husband and some pretty picky kids.  (Obviously, for the kids you can leave the hot sauce off, unless they're like my kids who can eat hotter stuff than I can!). The melted cheese masks some hidden veggies! Brilliant! Also, feel free to add an additional green with some chopped celery...maybe put it on before you bake, or after for a nice crunch!   It's really customizable, and it's a nice change to some things that can get a little monotonous.

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