Monday, December 14, 2015

And you are...

I'm Dana.


I'm a team Beachbody coach

but, I'm also a mom, wife, SAHM, WAHM, business owner and food LOVER!

love food.  All food.  Good food, craptastic food, gourmet food, fast food....all of it.  As you can see, from my pleasantly plump photo on the left:

That being said, at almost 33 years old, eating has become somewhat of a challenge.  Between hypothyroidism hitting me hard and my 30s striking with deadly force, not only have I been introduced to the 3 day hangover, my metabolism has decided to throw a temper tantrum to rival any of my kids' tantrums. 

So, eating has been a little less have I...I mean 4 kids will do that to ya...I digress.  I'm determined to make eating well interesting, fun and hopefully deceivingly delicious.  Becoming a Beachbody coach was how I decided to do it.  Making a financial investment is one hell of a way to keep you on your track and the steam going in the also helps that I'm beyond stubborn and now more determined than ever to get my pre baby body back.  I've run out of excuses, and more importantly, I've stopped using my kids as excuses.  They have become my "WHY" instead of my "BECAUSE".  

So, that's a, let's cook! 

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