Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Wednesday: Leftover Lunch!

Remember that colorful crockpot filled with 21 Day Fix goodness? Just in case you forgot:
Yeah, that one.  
Came out amazing! Not too spicy...I figured with a whole jalapeño (I leave some pith and seeds in) and chopped chilies, it might have a little kick...and it did...just not a whole lot.  Perfect for me, hubbs added more hot sauce (of course!) which, as you know is a freebie on the fix plan ;)

So, anyway.

For lunch, today, I put that bad boy over a salad :)

I only used half a serving over one romaine heart and added shredded cheddar (extra sharp...just how I like it!)
Even my "baby" brother enjoyed a serving! (His, obviously with a whole serving of the chicken :) )
He's cute, isn't he?!


My meal ended up looking like this, when broken down:
Best part? No dressing needed! Cuts the calories and fat!  Speaking of...the whole meal had only 278 calories (per my fitness pal app on my phone) and filled me up like no other!  No worries if you need a little more!  Use one full serving and it's only 431 calories (again, per my fitness pal).  Still not bad for an entire meal! 
Oh, my shakeology this morning was delicious, too!! 

How did you use the leftovers??

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